Handiwork in Harmony; A Mother Daughter Guide to Cycle Syncing


Have you heard of "cycle syncing" and wondered what it means? Maybe you've started your cycle syncing journey but it feels overwhelming! Or maybe you know the benefits of this practice and you're just flabbergasted that you weren't taught this as a girl and you want to offer your daughters a head start.....this resource is for you!

Handiwork in Harmony is a "mother-daughter"-girl's & women's guide to hormone health, cycle syncing, and honoring God's design!

Cycle syncing is the practice in which you live your life around your cycle. Like the sun, men are the same every single day and can show up the same each day. Women on the other hand mirror the moon. We are different each day and that is a BEAUTIFUL thing. But it also means, we can't expect ourselves to show up exactly the same each day. This is where the life changing practice of cycle syncing comes in! Many women are learning this in adulthood after they realize their hormones are out of whack-and they are experiencing healing! But what if we taught these things to our daughters? What if they didn't have to experience hormone disruption before they learned how their bodies work? Our cycles are so much more than one week out of each month. Our bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made and they reflect our wonderful Creator!

Whether you are a grown woman learning this or you are a mom looking to teach these things to her daughter, there is something here for you!

This is a FULL CURRICULUM to learn:

-Female anatomy

-The female cycle

-Understanding fertility

-Understanding how food effects hormones and metabolism

-What cycle syncing is

-How to cycle sync in different stages of life

-Why we can celebrate that women are created differently from men

-Patterns in nature that reveal the way our bodies work

-How light effects our hormones

-What to eat according to your cycle

-How to live according to your cycle

-Herbs, seeds, & more things that can help!


This resource is for ladies of most ages. I offer three tracks so that you can use this as a family and every young lady can learn in a way that honors them with the knowledge they need without the overwhelm. Below is a glimpse at how the tracks work:

Track A: Use this track when you are ready to teach your daughter about her coming cycle. This track goes over female anatomy and the female cycle. It also gently introduces the concept of cycle syncing and how to live with your hormones in mind. For this track, you do not have to have "the talk" in order to teach the content as it just focuses on the female side of things.

Track B: Use this track for teens ready to do a deeper dive into why and how their hormones affect them and how to live according to their feminine design through cycle syncing!

Track C: This track is for women to learn how to cycle sync and covers everything from seed cycling, to tea cycling, to what to eat, how to live, and even how to incorporate fasting safely.


This curriculum is written from a Charlotte Mason perspective and encourages narration and reading from various books. Many lessons are written out for you directly in the guide you will purchase here, but it also requires three books in order to receive a well-rounded education in this area. The book list is:

-Honoring Our Cycle by Katie Singer

-The Moon Cycle Cookbook by Devon Loftus & Jenna Radomski MScN

-Fast Like a Girl by Dr. Mindy Pelz (only needed for track C)


My hope and prayer is that Handiwork in Harmony will be a resource that blesses women and that our girls can appreciate the amazing bodies God has given us!

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